Wines infused with personality
15 March 2018
It's been another watershed year with Giaconda stepping further up the quality ladder. This all starts with the improved team here: my son Nathan fast moving into a more assertive role, and our highly capable and qualified Vineyard Manager, Casey White, both enabling me to concentrate more on what I love doing best – fine tuning important aspects of the wine making instead of, for example, carting bins around on the tractor in preparation for picking at 6:30 in the morning!
This year has afforded me the time to directly manage all of our chardonnay ferments in the cave and infuse some different personality in these fledgling wines. Continuing this sentiment, our wines like many of those from other small traditional, natural and organic producers are infused with the personalities of their makers. I believe this extends to the vines themselves. Thus I make sure to work among the vines regularly: they know me, I know them, and this needs to continue.
Another very important aspect here this year has been the formalisation of our organic 'in-conversion organic' status through certification with the Bio Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI). I have been operating this way for some time now and certification has been a goal that was set, for which Nathan and Casey have been able to bring to fruition over the past year in both the winery and vineyard.
Casey notes “Our initial visit from the team at Demeter Australia involved inspecting the vineyard soils to assess the levels of organic rich humus. They were pleased to find beautiful soils that have tested absolutely free of chemical residues, are rich in humus, and could confidently see the vineyard has been managed with an organic approach for many decades.” Read more >
Nathan adds "We are beginning to hear many other wineries speak about 'operating organically' and 'natural' wine making. From a consumer point of view this terminology can often be vague and misleading and therefore it's important to be genuine in this regard. For us that was undertaking the process of formal certification and continuing to build on the organic practices Rick has already put in place."
Regarding our progress with shiraz, don't miss the 2016 Estate Vineyard Shiraz as this wine is showing huge improvement each year through refined vineyard and soil management. This is certainly the richest red wine I've made, with great tannin structure that is well integrated with a long finish. Planted in 2002, these vines are finally hitting their straps!
View wine release details >
Rick Kinzbrunner and team
Announcing our 'in-conversion organic' status
01 March 2018Words by Casey White - Vineyard Manager
My first vintage is all but complete here at Giaconda. When I set foot through the front gates last winter I was quite nervous, yet excited to be tackling such a prestigious vineyard. I had always been aware of the great wines produced from this property but did not understand what really drove this level of quality from a vineyard perspective.
Rick had set me the main task of looking after all the vines and continuing to produce beautiful fruit, but also to take the Estate Vineyard to a certified organic status. This is something I am passionate about, having developed some organic and sustainable viticulture methods in my previous role.
Our initial visit from the team at Demeter Australia involved inspecting the vineyard soils to assess the levels of organic rich humus. They were pleased to find beautiful soils that have tested absolutely free of chemical residues, are rich in humus, and could confidently see the vineyard has been managed with an organic approach for many decades.
It is pleasing to announce our 'in-conversion organic' status under supervision of the Bio Dynamic Research Institute (BDRI) certification process and that we will be fully certified in the very near future.
Getting my hands dirty in the vineyard and seeing how healthy the soil is, soon gave me an appreciation of all the years of hard work which has been put into this vineyard. The soil is alive with healthy microbes, which flows directly through the vines, the fruit, and finally the wines!